PARKSIDE community
Our work is currently divided into three categories. We hope to see these categories grow and evolve as we continue this work and more folks get involved.
We believe all community members have different resources, knowledge, and skills to share. We acknowledge that we all have different needs, and can support each other in multiple ways.
- Connect Parkside families to food and distribution centers
- Create a resource-sharing space
- Plan to distribute raised funds based on the needs and input of those it will impact
What's the difference between mutual aid and charity?
Learn more here!
We believe it's necessary to take action within and outside of Atlanta Public Schools to create the systemic changes needed for all Parkside families to thrive.
- Communicate with APS offices to bring issues to their attention that are overlooked
- Representatives from our group serve on the APS Parent Focus Groups for School Reopening
- Fight for more equity in the policies and procedures of both Parkside and APS
- Group focused on examining Gifted programming
We believe education is important for both children and adults.
Grade level parent support teams
Support student’s online learning
Internet and connectivity support
Technology challenges
Staff and family trainings:
In partnership with the GO Team, there will be an Equity Learning Series for Staff and Families (staff and families will be trained separately, conducted The CREATE Teacher Residency): Workshops addressing issues of equity in the school community while gaining knowledge and understanding of the ways systemic racism shows up in schools.
Book study:
We are currently targeted towards white families and staff to begin dismantling their own internalized racism and white superiority. We have discussed or are discussing: White Fragility: Why It's So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism, Me and White Supremacy, and the podcast Nice White Parents, and the 1916 Project. To get information about joining or to submit a book/article/podcast for group study and discussion in January, please email
Student programs
Working group to explore inequity of Parkside gifted programming